Aspen Grove Campground
(referred to as the “Park” and the “Premises”)
Code of Conduct, Assumption of Risks, Release of Liability, and Waiver of Claims
Please take time to read, understand and comply with the information contained in this document. This document must be completed in full by the registered guest or head of the group before check in to the Park.
Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims
I am aware of the risks, dangers, and hazards associated with the use of the premises and participating in activities on the premises. I freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers, and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage or loss, resulting therefrom. I have explained the risks, dangers, and hazards to members of my group. I, on my behalf and on behalf of members of my group, agree as follows:
- To waive any and all claims that we have or may in the future have against the operators of the Premises and their directors, officers, employees and representatives (collectively the “Releasees”), and to release the releasees from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury including death that we may suffer, or that our next of kin may suffer, as a result of our use of or attendance at the Premises or participation in activities on the Premises due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract, or breach of any statutory or other duty of care on the part of the releasees. I understand that negligence includes failure on the part of the releasees to take reasonable steps to safeguard or protect me from or warn me of the risks, dangers, and hazards referred to above.
Code of Conduct Agreement
Aspen Grove Campground provides services that promote a safe, welcoming, positive and inclusive environment where differences are valued. All Customers, guests and staff are expected to be considerate, to respect other people and their rights, and to show proper care and regard for our property and the property of others. Any behaviour that violates the Code of Conduct may result in a ban from the property. Aspen Grove Campground condemns harassment, denigration, discriminatory actions, and the promotion of hatred. Discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated, ignored, or condoned. Aspen Grove Campground is committed to promoting respectful conduct, tolerance and diversity at all times. Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to Park services and facilities, without discrimination or harassment because of one or more of the following prohibited grounds:
• Race
• Gender Identity/ Expression
• Political Affiliation
• Ancestry
• Creed/Religion
• Level Of Literacy
• Place Of Origin
• Sex/Gender
• Age
• Ethnic Origin
• Sexual Orientation
• Family Status
• Disability
• Colour
• Marital Status
All Customers, guests and staff are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of everyone else at the Park, and every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to Park services without discrimination or harassment.